Ethiopia Djimma GERA
Product Info
Funky! Fruity! Fantastic! RoosCrew loves an anaerobic natural processed coffee. Bring on the dynamic flavors. This coffee is delightfully light, sweet, and juicy. A must try.
The GERA Estate is located in the Djimma region of Ethiopia at high altitudes over 7,000 ft. The high altitude combined with the nitrogen-rich soils create amazing conditions for these unique coffee trees to thrive.
This Estate also hold pillars of sustainability, they do not use any chemical fertilizers or insecticides in their production. GERA also has high importance on good working conditions for its employees. They provide housing, childcare, education, healthcare and more to all employees and their families.
Tastes Like
blueberry pancake / white chocolate / praline pecan
Other Roos Crew Cupping Notes:
plum, blueberry, soft chocolate flavors, plum liquor, well-balanced , light, sweet, juicy
Coffee Geek Info
Region: Djimma, Ethiopia
Altitude: 7,200 ft
Process: Anaerobic Natural

"This coffee will make you taller for about two hours." - John Roos